
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2015


i love food. end of discussion! my addiction right now is eyeshooping in 9gag food section!! it is just hilarious!!! i can see so many delicious food from all around the country........ and i really really want to try all of them.. i want to try double or ever tripple burger with jaw dropping great meat, i want to try apple pie from its homeland, marsmallow with strawberry cakes, pho from vietname, i want to try the breakfast around the world (i will share the pict below :D) every version of pizza :9 sluuuuurrrrrppppppppp, *saliva explosion* oh i also would like to try bacon, yet because it is haram, i'll just dreaming about it :') and needless to say, i'd like to try butterbeer, you know the special drink in Harry Potter series that is served in Three Broomsticks Inn. well starbucks serve butterbeer, but only in US or europe region i think.. indonesian starbucks staffs will have some serious headaches if i insist to order butterbeer there -_- have i said sush...

late night

i should start writing my beloved skripsi... but you already know that i do, indeed, not usually to write scientific writing T_T i only write chronological with irony here and there with some dusts of freedom :"""" someone should literally invent a machine which can change my brainwave, the words in my thought, into words in my pc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _the end_

A Sin

Is it a sin, I am the only one grieving while others contented? Is it a sin, I am the only person lonely in the crowded room? Is it a sin, The only person trembles in campfire is me? Is it a sin, Wishing a simple "How pity you couldn't make it" to warm the heart of mine? Being greedy is a sin. And i am not a person who has the right to demand.


Because It Is The Freedom of SPEECH, Not Freedom of HATRED

Life is Agony

berbahagialah orang orang yang menjalani hidupnya berdasarkan pilihan dan keputusannya. berbahagialah mereka yang berjalan dan tau kemana tujuannya. berbahagialah mereka yang bernyali mewujudkan mimpinya. berbahagialah mereka yang masih berani mempunyai mimpi. karena mimpi, mimpi kebanyakan terbunuh ketika tetua menghampiri. berapa banyak mimpi yang mati ketika seseorang berumur tidak lebih dari 10 tahun beberapa hari? ketika seorang anak mengatakan ia bermimpi menjadi penari, 'tetua' berkata : "kamu terlalu dini untuk bermimpi. bukan begitu kerjanya dunia" 'tetua' berkata : "bermimpi lah sekarang, karena semua akan berubah ketika kamu mengerti tentang uang" 'tetua' berkata : "untuk apa bermimpi yang tak menghasilkan uang, bukan begitu cara kita bekerja" lalu mimpi mimpi itu mati. dan anak anak penyair, anak anak penari, anak anak penyanyi, terperangkap dalam kelas kelas kosong diteriaki bodoh. melewatkan setengah hidu...