
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016

New Movie and New Patronus!

As the title goes, i would like to share a review of new movie which is none other than Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! Before you reading the rest of this post, please note that it might have some serious spoilers. So if you haven't watched the movie, and don't want any spoilers, come back after you watch it okaay :) First of all, i would like to share some insights of my Muggle born "friends" have about this movie. They thought that, this movie in particular is not satisfying enough. They argue that the story line is not good, so nothing special with it to be considered as high quality movie, and of course they believed that this movie is overrated! Hmmmm... Well, actually i'm FINE with all comments like that, you know.. It's a democratic country, that every person has the same right to give and express their opinion. And I totally UNDERSTAND that every people has their own taste, their own preferance. Even though I am a little bit hurt by...

Forever Young - Beyonce & Jay-Z

Forever Young - Beyonce & Jay-Z Hey! Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip The music's for the sad man Forever young, I wanna be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever and ever Forever young I wanna be forever young Do you really want to live forever? Forever, forever So we live a life like a video when the sun is always out And you never get old and the champagne's always cold And the music is always good and the pretty girls Just happen to stop by in the hood And they hop their pretty ass up on the hood of that pretty ass car Without a wrinkle in today 'cause there is no tomorrow Just some picture perfect day to last ...

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan!

Marhaban ya Ramadhaaaan :) Alhamdulillah masih diberi kesempatan untuk bertemu Ramadhan sekali lagi. Selalu bersemangat untuk memperbaiki & menyempurnakan ibadah nih setiap Ramadhan. Masjid Tarqiyah Taqwa Telkomsel juga setiap sholat Dhuhur selalu full looh, padahal di hari biasa, jamaah ceweknya bahkan ga full 1 saf :'') Hari ini udah hari ke-4 ramadhan. Jauh dari rumah, sahur sendiri, mengais ngais dan bela-belain nyari buka bareng di semua komunitas yang pernah gue ikutin, biar ga sepi sepi amat hahahaha Tapi tetap semangat lah yaaa Ramadhan ini, karena ga ada jaminan kita ketemu lagi di Ramadhan tahun depan :''') Gimana bacaan Al-Qur'annya?? Alhamdulillah gue semenjak SMA selalu khatam selama Ramadhan :''') **satu-satunya habit Cendekia yang masih gue pertahankan >.<** Semoga ibadah kita yang udah baik selama Ramadhan ini, dapat kita pertahankan, istiqamah, walaupun nanti Ramadhan nya udah selesai.... Well, that's a...


Remember my friend, When you squeeze an orange You aim to get the Sweet Essence of it Therefore, when life squeeze you hard and rough, Expect that you will obtain sweetest and best result of yourself :''')

New Life, New Routine

Ketika gue di kantor yang lama, gue dikasih tau kalo kerja di Telkomsel bakalan banyak leyeh-leyeh, dan bisa TengGo, alias jam 5 Teng langsung Go..! Tapi setelah gue disini nyaris 2 bulan, Alhamdulillah gue belum pernah balik balik jam 5 :) Nampaknya kalo lo di Marketing, emang ga bakal ada tuh yang jam 5 udah pulang haha :) Well gue ga masalah siiih.. Gue juga sukaaa banget berlama-lama di kantor baru ini >.< Akses internet gratis, dan tanpa pemblokiran ke media sosial, trus karna udah Smart Office, tempatnya lucu-lucu gitu, warna-warna nya bagus dan menenangkan, ada sofa buat leyeh-leyeh, kursi-kursinya ergonomis, pantry nya cantik, ada gitar, ada makanan, lengkap deh.. Kesimpulannya gue betah berlama-lama dikantor :D Sampai-sampai gue adalah salah satu makhluk yang paling susah di suruh pulang! Salah satu senior di tim gue bilang kalau gue harusnya memanfaatkan kesempatan ketika disuruh pulang cepet sama bos, karena itu hal-hal langka yang jarang terjadi... Tapi gu...

Sometimes in Life...

Sometimes in life, you will feel brokenhearted You will feel betrayed, by whoever you once trust Sometimes in life, you will feel wronged You end up hating every one you thought responsible for that Sometimes you wil make mistake, then you regret Other time you will be hopeless and hate the cruel world But you know it is really fine not to feel good all the time It is okay not to be okay It is 100% good to be angry, to be upset, and feel sad Or to feel like crying out loud at 3a.m Sometimes all you have to do is to admit your feelings And to allow all your emotions to be expressed freely To say to yourself that "I'm hurt" or "I'm not okay" Will definitely ease the burden in your heart To be patient and let the time heal your broken wings and put your heart from pieces together To be a stronger person To be grateful for the little things you overlooked and To believe in Life Once Again! PS : I recommend a song to heal your soul, titled ...

GPTP Batch V ; 2nd Edition

Seperti yang udah gue share di postingan sebelumnya, sebelum gue bergabung dengan GPTP (Great People Trainee Program) Telkomsel Batch V, gue udah join di XL selama 6 bulan lebih awal. Di XL gue ditempatin di Marketing, divisi nya Price Plan atau tarif legacy nya XL laah. Disana gue belajar banyaaaak, mulai dari analisis performance sampai merangkai kata-kata untuk SMS Broadcast >.< Seruuuuuu kaaaaaan :D Saat pengumuman lulus GPTP V di publish di web, dan gue langsung menemukan nama gue di sana, saat itu gue masih ada dikantor. Kira-kira jam 5 sore, dan gue kegirangan sendiri di kubikel gue, mesem-mesem sendiri, dan tangan gue tiba-tiba tremor nge bbm si tachi. Jam 5 sore itu, as you can conclude, gue masih stay di kantor, karena jam pulang normal di marketing kayaknya ga pernah yang 5 teng deeeh, pasti molooooooor jadi abis maghrib haha :''''') Sooo lanjut yah ceritanya... Setelah gue menenangkan diri sejenak, breath in breath out, gue akirnya ngomo...

GPTP Batch V

Halloooooooo... Udah berapa purnama yang gue lewatin, dan blog ini ga juga ke update... #aadc2 Lama banget yaaaaah kayaknya, sampai ada moment-moment kehidupan gue yang terlewatkan begitu aja tanpa sempat gue abadikan di blog ini, kayak biasanya :) Seperti judul blog ini, bagi yang belum tau, GPTP itu adalah Great People Trainee Program, semacam Management Trainee yang dimiliki Telkomsel. Alhamdulillah semenjak 1 April 2016, gue resmi bergabung di GPTP Telkomsel angkatan atau Batch ke 5. Mungkin kalau ada yang baca postingan gue sebelumnya, gue udah pernah cerita kalau setelah wisuda kemarin gue langsung gabung sama XL. Well, gue bahagia-bahagia aja sebenarnya di XL, gue nyaman kerja di sana, environment nya seru banget, level stres nya tinggi banget tapi ga kerasa karena emang fun banget. (kebanyakan "banget" banget yaah?!) Nah, terus kenapa gue pindah ke Telkomsel? Ada beberapa alasan personal siiih, gue juga ga mau bahas di sini haha Jadi kalau ada yang mau shari...

Berawal dari Loyalitas untuk Indonesia!

Apa sih yang muncul pertama kali di pikiran kita, ketika kata "Kesetiaan" disebutkan? Mungkin untuk remaja tanggung (seperti gue ^.^) , kata "Kesetiaan" ini berhubungan banget sama lika-liku dan drama asmara. Tapi apa iya "Kesetiaan" cuma bermakna seluas kehidupan remaja? Nah, Kesetian atau Loyalitas itu maknanya jauh lebih besar daripada perihal asmara loh! Loyalitas itu bisa kita temukan dalam pertemanan, dan bahkan sangat diperlukan ketika kita telah masuk ke dunia pekerjaan, dunia yang penuh tanggung jawab. Kenapa sih Loyalitas ini penting ketika kita bekerja? Bukannya kalau kerja ya, kita datang, lalu mengerjakan analisis, bersosialisasi, lalu pulang? Bekerja bukan hanya sekedar itu loh, guys! Kita bekerja itu artinya mendedikasikan waktu kita untuk berkontribusi kepada perusahaan, apa mau disia-siakan untuk sekedar datang-pusing-lalu pulang? Kesetiaan yang kita miliki saat bekerja akan memberikan kita semangat baru, energi yang melimpah ketika...