Minimalism & Productive Life (Part 1)
Helloo.. It's February now, so it rain less, but when it does, it poured so hard and flooded some areas in Jakarta.. So I'd like to share some changes in my life that i feel really helpful and positive. That being said is by implementing Minimalism lifestyle in order to be more productive. How can it be related at all you ask? Let me start by sharing some literal definition of Minimalism. Minimalism is getting rid of excess stuff and living life based on experiences rather than worldly possessions (there are other definition on web of course, but this is enough for everyone to understand). There are many benefits of implementing minimalism, such as less expenses, free up some spaces in your life (literally), and my final objective, to be productive. Before i get to "How minimalism can make me more productive", i'd like to elaborate what kind of minimalism i've done :) First of all i have to tell you, that i don't do it per se by the book guide o...