random night

i'm having insomnia right now, because i just stop consuming one of my daily medicine which cause the over sleepy me....
so let's continue the night with random chit chat wiht random topic, mina-san >.<
well, i just finished watching a japanese drama based on manga, titled Mei-chan no Shitsuji, or in english its called Mei-chan's Butler.
the drama is a little bit weird, it's probably because it's based on manga, which you the manga reader will understand that the lives in manga is totally different with the standard of insanity is absolutely odd.
so does this drama manga!!!
can you, the girls, imagine that your live depend on the butlers help??
what i mean by depend, is that, even to flip the page of your books, you need the butler to do it...
principally, the buttler takes care of the house along with the housekeeper.
however in this drama manga, the butler takes care of his lady's body, life, and of course her heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, that's fine because it's drama manga.........................
so everyone, that's the story line, about a handsome butler with his lady trying to live with their fate..
the story is soooooooooooooo manga-ish, with weird strange role of people, unique character, and overflowing costumes...
in my opinion, the story, the message of this 10 episodes drama manga is not bad, to be honest it's actually good....
well, it's not like sinetron where the villain hides their identity for 100 episodes then show theirselves in another 150 episodes...
in this drama manga, the characters think like real life people with their real objective is to soleve their problems...
dengan kata lain, karakter nya keliatan real karena mereka cerdas gitu, banyak juga cerita cerita dengan karakter yang terlalu naive atau bisa dibilang bego gitu...
misalnya aja di harry potter and the chamber of secrets...
pas tokoh tokohnya baru tau kalau monsternya itu basilisk di akhir2 pilem rasanya aneh aja kaaan...
the chamber of secrets dibikin sama salazar slytherin, lambang slytherin uler, yg bisa buka chamber itu keturunan nya slytherin, keturunan slytherin bisa bahasa uler (parseltongue)..
lah masak iya di dalemnya chamber of secrets itu chihuahua????? ya kagak laaah........ -_____-
well, i love harry potter, but sometimes harry seems so stupid as character and it makes me frustrated..
i bet that's why harry is not in ravenclaw -____________-

so, despite the good story and lovable characters of this drama manga, actually it took me so long to put together my courage to watch it the first time..
i got this drama manga from ma friend Dara, she recommended it to me saying that it is worth the watch, and i accepted it because i learn japanese recently......
i didnt watch it directly after i got it..
i have traumatic feeling with all drama manga...
in my opinion, the actors and actresses are not as good looking as the character in manga (i know it can be helped), and most the times, the drama manga loses the charm that i get when i read the manga, and i dont know why.....
that's why i dont watch drama manga or film manga like kenshi, conan, death note and so on...
so with the courage of ma girl, Maulida Bella, we watched it for the first time yesterday....
and just like me, bella and i are so cooperative to comment the first episode histerycally and really in bad mannered of the unprofessional movie commentators......
wejust can't helped the unnecessary style or/and scene from it..
like the blonde guy with dark, i emphasize, dark skin, not tanned skin, and long mess hair, i can't explain properly, it's better for you to watch it, and you will like, wth is that!!!!!
or the other all-white guy, from head to toe, literally white hair, white coat, white trouser, white tie, white shoes!!!! who tf dressed like that???? tha's literally not normal people with normal life....
in indonesia, people with all-white costume like that will defenitely labeled as cabe-cabean, the lowest kasta of your maturity!!!!!

wellll, after i watched its all episode, with my epic comment for every moments, and get used to the appearance of the characters, i enjoy the story so much...
hmm the ending is predictable, but for that's fine because the process is so much fun! >.<
go go  watch it.....!
i also recommend it for you who like to watch =D
and i am on my way to read its manga, because Mei-chan no shijitsu manga is still ongoing X)
yeeeeeeaaaaay >.<

okay, that's all about my drama manga recommendation =D

next i want to recommend a beautiful song by Rixton titled Me and My Broken Heart...
gogogo listen to it :)

okay i think that's all for now.
let's take a rest..
good night, mina-san :)


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