Being Productive

I have complained in twitter, @raovinahaq if you want to follow me :), that i'm beyond tired of my demanding schedules at work.
May be you can also relate to it. You know, being at office since 8 am to 8 pm, every day, 5 days a week. And please don't think that it all stops at weekend. No it's not. In this enhance technology era with communication tools are just one click away, all work related is still discussed in group chat, in weekend. And so, your life is basically all about work.

I don't think it's healthy and when i'm almost at the end of my edge, i found this particular twitter account @pinotski. Pinotski and his wife are an influencer in social media and also a great and phenomenal illustrator, they work with art and it's beautifully done. Just check it out in their account, twitter or instagram. They believe that everyone can draw, even though it's hard to be applied to me because i am a human being with no ability to draw in whatsoever. But at the end of my boring day, i find myself to always check what they tweet that day.

One of the statement from their tweet i love the most is that everyday has to be a productive day, whether it's only 10-15 minutes you spare from your day. Whether it's to draw, in their case, or it is to write for me. Then, the next interesting thing they claim is that, when you feel the painter-block (or the writer block) or don't feel the mood to draw, then don't draw.. Do some other productive things to cover that, in their case, when they don't draw, they make a video (isn't that cool?? shouldn't it be a crime to be THAT talented?).

They say that, drawing is a creative media to make you happy, to release your stress. But, if it becomes a source of pressure, may be it's time you'd like to evaluate it, stop it for a while or you just need time to rest.

This kind of thinking, aspires me so much. I work almost 12 hours a day, not everyday is productive. And the real thing is, may be what i produce for work is not me at all. You know, my product is viewed from revenue point of view, trend pattern, customer needs, and bosses approval. It doesn't reflect me at all. It's not me. And so, I would like to try Pinotski & wife advice, to be productive everyday, even if it's just 10-15 minutes a day.

So today is the D-1 :)

Today i try to rework my photo for instagram feed >.<
I use Lightroom in my PC, then retouch it in VSCO mobile, and then crop it Photo Grid mobile to adjust it to my insta feed pattern. You know, it's never a simple way when it comes to post something in Insta :"")
The result is not the best i think, but i don't know any more haha
One thing that I still can not apply is a constant feed theme, for example @dwihandaanda,  or like the coolest feed from @agusleohalim. But i'm trying, find the theme i like and try to use it constantly :)

Oh and today, i write this plan. So 2 productive things today yay!!

Lightroom version. How do you think?


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