Movie and Series Recommendation on Netflix
Welcome to New Normal :)
It's June 3rd 2020, and it will be my 2.5 months working from home (WFH).
My company started the WFH policy since March 17th and it may be ended on Jun 10th 😔
I don't want to talk about my WFH experience right now because as the title showed above, i'll share my Movie & Series recommendation that i (re)watched recently.
1. Sex and The City movie (#1 & #2)
So I re-watched this movie a few days ago and it somehow gave me new perspective. When i watched it the first time may be as a little or young girl, all i can grasped was that relationship is hard really and i saw that as something that happen only in movie or maybe to someone else but me.. Because hey that's not MY problem right, my problem was the next exam coming up.
But watching it recently as 20-something years old woman, working full time 8 12 hours a day 5 days a week, I feel i can relate to some of the topic in the scenes, if not most. The most memorable one for me is Samantha Jones. In the first movie it showed that loving yourself should be your #1 priority all the time, and it doesn't even matter how much love was poured to you by others. Not loving yourself will leave you empty. And I really admire Samantha who can leave her lovers (leaving a committed lover when you're 50 y.o is not wise according to netizen) , because he didn't let her love herself.
By the end of the movie, I hope i can be as strong and powerful as my girl Samantha Jones :)
Source : Paulette Magazine |
2. Demon Slayer Season 1
Its manga is really popular, but i just watched the series on Netflix couple days ago. It's about a boy living in Toshio era where demons exist. One day, this yatim boy just got back from his work only to found his all family members slaughtered by demon(s). All dead, except his younger sister who's seconds away from death. When the boy tried his last effort to save his sister, he stumbled upon a Demon Slayer Corps member (a higher rank one). When the demon slayer tried to kill his sister, the boy endure and also tried to attack the slayer. It turns out his half-alive sister transformed into full demon, BUT has the conscience not to eat human. Impressed, the high-ranking demon slayer promote the boy to be a demon slayer too. And then their journey begin :)
I like this series because it's not an ordinary demon-hero theme i think, it's also has a slice-of-life touched, as its main objective is to turn the sister into human again and if possible, to achieve a peaceful between human and demon.
The only thing i despise is one scene where the sidekick character promote a toxic masculinity concept, where he said that "man can not cry and whine", likeee do you think a man equals stone which can not show emotion? Come on, is 2 decades past millennial!! I hope i won't find anymore upsetting like this in the future :)
Source : The Buzz Paper |
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