
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020

It's The End of An Era

If anyone ask, how could I survive college, 1,333 km from home, new environment new place new responsibility. It felt hard and new and exciting, but of course at the same time I felt pressure, anxious and worried. The one thing that kept me sane was my high school friends, who miraculously continue their college in the same city and around, Depok - Jakarta.  During college time, we hung out pretty much every weekend. We spent national holidays together, explored new places in the big city, and generally just being weird together. We also joined to alumni group with seniors and juniors from high school, because we're from boarding school so we also had many activities together as community. All of this really helped me surviving college. 😂 Spending time with them really gave me a peace of mind, a comfort zone, a safe zone to speak Minang and be moody as hell :) After college, we keep the tradition alive, hang out whenever we can and it includes traveling together. So many stories, ...

Living with Yourself

 I'd like to share a quote from a book titled "300 Things I Hope" by Iain S. Thomas. The book is so cute, with literally 300 things wished by the author for the reader. And this one below, hit me on another level. I also hope it can resonate with you 😊

Moving Out, Starting Fresh

Since We're not advised to travel yet, I decided to moved out from my old place and start fresh in a new place 👀 You know, moving places has the same sensation with travelling. Or so i told my sister 😅 It's been a year, since i first moved to an Apt in South Jakarta. I decided to not extend my contract and move out. From the second week of Aug-20, I started to look for potential places, thinking about what I have right now, finding of what i don't want to compromise in a new place. After 2 weeks of visiting several places, I finally found a perfect place in my condition. Therefore, I proceed to move out couple days ago, Aug 29th 2020. Couple things I'd like to mention in my new place is that, with lower price i actually get same facility (plus minus in couple things but minor) here. However I get the fundamental things here (new place), which are privacy and safety. Settling in this new place, I hope to start fresh here, with more clarity of myself, better mental cond...

Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang 2020 Ini!

Source : Matt Ridley via Unsplash Jadi belakangan ini, during - after lebaran until today, mood udah seperti bukit Barisan, naik turun tidak karuan. Beberapa hari penuh semangat dan harapan, produktif dan ceria. Tapi di hari lain gloomy, sendu, emosional, selalu di batas akhir pokoknya, di ujung kesedihan atau di puncak kemarahan. Kalau udah super negatif seperti itu, after effect nya pasti selalu merasa bersalah. Dapet privilige untuk WFH dengan gaji tetap ada, makan minum tempat tinggal cukup, kayak apa lagi yang kurang gitu malu sama tenaga kesehatan di luar sana. Sampai akhirnya, ngeliat postingan psikolog namanya dr. Julie Smith via Tiktok (yess I’m a Tiktok user yall), dan video dr. Daniel Amen di Youtube (psikolog nya Justin Bieber nih), yang kasih pencerahan kalau sebenarnya perasaan galau dan susah kita selama karantina itu sangat wajar dan valid, dan kita ga boleh terlalu keras sama diri sendiri, biarkan aja perasaan itu ada, ackowledge it. Mereka juga share kalau yang kita ...

Netflix Recommendation - Food Lover Edition

Source : Pepper Besides rewatching Friends for 1000th times, or Brooklyn 99 or Modern Family, lately i also watch several series that accidentally have similar theme : Food! It kinda different with what my colleagues watch, that's around K-Drama, so famous in Netflix nowadays like Crash Landing On You (CLOY), The King, or Hospital Playlist.  It's not that i hate K-drama, it's just that what's popular now is not the genre i need to watch in the moment. In other words, i can not afford the emotional burden watching life problems stretched by dozens of episodes in K-Drama, it's too much for me in this quarantine mode. There comes the Food series available on Netflix. Wait, does this series recommendation is like a cooking show filled with unrealistic recipes? Because I mentioned above that I kinda avoid drama.. Well not really, this series have the slice of life stories too, but it's more like short one, every episode  offer different problems and faster resolution...

18 New Normal Starter Pack, Check!

Meskipun kantor gue Alhamdulillah masih bisa WFH, sampai batas waktu yang belum di tentukan, tapi gue tetap mulai mempersiapkan diri jika nanti harus masuk kantor lagi, dengan wabah Corona yang masih belum ada Vaksinnya. Source Pasti sudah familiar dengan ilustrasi di atas. Image ini mungkin juga udah di blast diberbagai grup pertemenan. Berikut gue share persiapan new normal starter pack gue dalam beberapa bagian : a. External Part     1. Jaket/Outer : melindungi pakaian utama kita. Setelah sampai kantor bisa dilepas, lalu digantung di area yang terpapar sinar matahari intens agar virus dan bakteri nya mati, atau disemprot cairan desinfektan secukupnya.     2. Helm : karena gue pengguna Go-ride, maka gue effort beli helm sendiri. Agar tidak bergantian penggunaannya dengan orang asing. Beli nya yang murah meriah aja, yang penting SNI.     3. Masker : ini yang paling penting kudu wajib ya, masker. Ga perlu penjelasan lebih lanjut.     ...

Monday Madness - Laptop Edition

Tomorrow is Monday and you may guess that every sunday evening I will certainly always have anxious to face Monday in couple hours. And lately it become worse because of my laptop that i use for work. I am trusted, well all of employee, with a laptop that supposed to support all my work for the company. Now i am holding an HP Elitebook 820 G4 with Intelcore i5 7th Gen. I’m using it for almost a year, but its performance deteriorate faster than my Order in Tokped. Couple months ago, before WFH era, I had a mental breakdown at office, because the slide that i already create, compiled from all team, and revised hundreds times, suddenly disappear. It’s 4pm and must be submitted to my GM in an hour. I panicked, burst to tears, until my colleague recover the file for me. I don’t know how, because i’m literally on my edge, but it somehow reappeared. Then last week, the laptop crash again, always in the moment of crisis. If a hero always Rise in the moment of crisis, well i can say ...

Movie and Series Recommendation on Netflix

Welcome to New  Normal :) It's June 3rd 2020, and it will be my 2.5 months working from home (WFH). My company started the WFH policy since March 17th and it may be ended on Jun 10th 😔 Source : Unsplash I don't want to talk about my WFH experience right now because as the title showed above, i'll share my Movie & Series recommendation that i (re)watched recently. 1. Sex and The City movie (#1 & #2) So I re-watched this movie a few days ago and it somehow gave me new perspective. When i watched it the first time may be as a little or young girl, all i can grasped was that relationship is hard really and i saw that as something that happen only in movie or maybe to someone else but me.. Because hey that's not MY problem right, my problem was the next exam coming up. But watching it recently as 20-something years old woman, working full time 8 12 hours a day 5 days a week, I feel i can relate to some of the topic in the scenes, if not mo...

Goodreads Challenge - 2020

Wow, i can't believe my first post of the year 2020 is on Feb :'') I feel sorry for my self 😰 Well, for this first post i'd like to share my Goodreads Reading Challenge. On 2019, I've shared my goal to read 24 Books. By December 2019, I've read 25 books, with achievement by target reached 104%, and YoY Growth +108%. The highlight of my 2019 reading , beside the fact that i achieved my target, was finally i completed the series of The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel, after temporarily stopped since 4 years ago while i was still in college :'') My Goodreads Account This year, i would like to step up my reading target to 36 books. For me personally, this target is kinda scary because my reading speed is lower since i got older and higher Minus >.< But I will try harder to achieve this year target too.. Moreover, this year i already got a boosting spirit by Andrea Hirata with his book Guru Aini . I think it's the most prod...